For the various requests /ご要望は多種多様。
Today's TV has too many functions; liquid cristal display, thin body, plasma, ground digital, wide screen, and etc. We often have requests of Tansu, which can be used as a TV cabinet, from our customers. Basically, Tansu we are dealing in our shop had been made in the old days when there was no TV, as you know. So, regarding the TV or audio cabinet, we have had much difficulty to comply with the customer's request. But we are happy to find this wide Tansu!! This is the lower part of a big Merchant chest, called Goshaku Tansu. You can put CDs, DVDs, codes, remote controle device, and whatever related to your TV set. Just ideal! . . . . Now we only hope for the better improvement of Japanese TV programs, most of them are such vulgar and junk . . . Anyway, we would appreciate your inquiries about this great Tansu!!
液晶、薄型、プラズマ、地デジ・・・・・。 テレビにまつわる活字が色々と踊っていますよね。 大画面!!なんていうのも・・・・。 最近、当店にも「テレビを置く台が欲しい」、「収納するキャビネットがあればな~っ」 等々、様々な要望が寄せられます。
でもこれが結構使える。抽斗の中にDVDやCD(すでに古いか・・・・) が収納出来て、その他雑然となりがちな小物類を全て飲み込む収納力 大型TVが乗ってもへこたれない頑丈な造り!!
低俗、軽薄なモノが多いですよね~(失礼) 個人的にはお笑い番組好きですが、朝から晩まで同じようなモノを垂れ流されてもね~。
ハードが良くてもソフトに問題あり ってとこでしょうか?
Well written article.
Posted by: Phemia | 04/22/2009 at 19:47