Working on the Medicine Chest / 現在進行形・薬箪笥
We have introduced this Tansu before. Our restoration is in progress; but since there are too many drawers, we need a lot of patience. We cover the moth-eaten spots one by one, sandpaper the surface once to get rid of the stains, and again until it becomes smooth, , , we need some more time to start the final step.
以前、ブログで紹介した薬箪笥。 少しずつですが、レストア進行中。 しかし、薬箪笥故に、抽斗の数がご覧のとおり・・・・・。
虫食いの部分は埋め、一つずつ、サンドペーパーをかけ、汚れを落とし、表面を平滑にし、最終仕上げの段階まであと少し。 暇を見つけては、お店の前に腰かけてコツコツと作業をしています。
It is hard, but actually we enjoy the procedure. Sometimes you will find us in front of our shop, squatting down and working on this Tansu. Then please please say hello!
☆ If you are interested in, it is not too late to tell us your preferred color of finish.
Size H60.5cm W68cm(When it's open) D16.5cm
材質 総桐
What price are you asking for this?
Posted by: mike kubo | 11/27/2011 at 22:14