花籠ランプ/Flower Basket Lamp
We are happy to introduce our two lamps, just finished making with the flower baskets. It took long time for us to make these lamps. It began with finding the good shades to match the baskets. Before, we used to design the shades and there was a nice craftsman to make the shades. But now, we have to depend on the ready-made shades, and they are all imported ones. The number of skilled craftsmen is declining . . . we really hope the revival of Japan as the world famous producer of the quality goods.
完成しました・・・花籠ランプ。 シェード探しから始まって随分時間がかかりましたがようやく出来上がりました。今回入荷はわずか2個・・・・・・・。
サイズ 高さ47cm 幅33cm
サイズ 高さ45cm 幅48cm