Signboard / 看板
This signboard of Okura Oriental Art has been presented on our roof since 1975, the year our shop was established.
Compared with the sign of the new furniture store next to us, ours is , , , shabby, , , it has been beaten by wind, rain, and sunburn for years.
The eaves below the signboard had been bumped by the large truck, and completely demolished, not once, but twice. So we try to think it positive, as we always do --- Our signboard has some power of GOOD-LUCK!
シゲシゲと眺めてみると、さすがに傷んでいますね。 長年の風雪、紫外線、等々にさらされているのですから仕方ないですが・・・・・。
新しく引っ越してきたお隣の家具屋さんに比べると・・・・・ いささかボロい
土台になっている軒の部分は大型トラックに2度もぶつけられ大破 けど看板だけは傾くこともなくしっかりしています。