We'd like to announce that we got a lot of nice items!! ---- But we have to apologize for not having been able to put these new arrivals on our web-site, as we took our time much on preparation for TAC International Bazaar ---- Let me tell you what they are. . . .
For Tansu : Rarely small Kuruma-Tansu in exceptionally good condition, Choba-Tansu (Merchant Chest) characterized by the decoration with nails shaped like Japanese Drums, Very small Kiri-Tansu ( Chest of Paulownia,) Yonezawa-Tansu with the round ironwork of butterfly, Katana-Tansu ( Low Chest for the Swords,) Spiral type Kaidan-Tansu, and more.
For others : Blue and White Hibachi, Bronze Usubata ( Flat Flower Vase) with the "Wave and a Plover," Map of Azabu ( Framed, ) Beautiful grained Sewing Box ( we put for this!,) and etc.
If you are interested in any of these items, we would be happy to send you photos, and more information. Please contact us at :
箪笥など新しい商品が入荷しています。「非常に状態の良い小さな車箪笥」 「太鼓鋲が特徴的な帳場箪笥」 「非常に小さい桐箪笥」 「蝶丸金具の米沢箪笥」 「刀箪笥」 「変わった形の階段箪笥」 等々
その他、B&W火鉢、波に千鳥の薄端、麻布地域の古地図(額装済み)、木目がキレイ!針箱(オススメです) 等
スミマセン。 催事終了後はドンドン更新していきます!