Facing the Change of Times 時代の変革期
130 years after Thomas Edison's epoch-making invention of the light bulb, I heard that the incandescent light will disappear in very near future.
I personally love the warmth of the color of incandescent bulbs, and it makes me feel secured… however, it became one of the worst factors of gloval warming because of its white heat and much energy consumption. Also it is said to be inconvinient because of its short-lifeness. So incondescent light is giving its place to LED light and fluorescent light.
While I knew we need to make changes for the conservation, I wonder if we can feel the same warmth from the cold color of LED light. Anyhow, we are replacing the bulbs in our shop with fluorescent bulbs. And we already noticed that the room temperature has dropped.
For the future generation, I think only we can do is to keep at it, little by little.