Our web site renewed!!!
Our home page has been newly opened!!
okura-art.com is now so convenient! We can show our customers many
more items with detailed information on each.
Our site is also for ON-LINE shopping, and we can sell things world-wide!!!
Moreover, we can advise our customers how to use and enjoy our items, and are willing to help decorate your spaces using Japanese
antiques. (Please check out the Interior Decorating page.)
We hope you will enjoy the site and find the items you are looking
for. Please feel free to ask us about anything by e-mail info@okura-art.com or phone 03-3585-5309.
(However, due to vacation closing, the shop is not open until late
August. Please leave your message on the answering machine.)
We really appreciate the great help of Mr.Kodama, our best friend, who made this beautiful home page.
Mizue Sasa