New Arrivals!/ 新商品掲載!
We have got many new arrivals again!! I worked so hard to list the most of all yesterday. Hopefully, many of our customers will enjoy them. Some items are sold so quickly, but if there were something(even if they were sold) you are interested in, please let us kow. We always make 'WISH LIST' for our customers and try to find simillar items. It's impossible to find the SAME things, but we are happy to try it. Please feel free to ask us!!
Okura Oriental Art
またまた新商品入荷のご案内です!昨日一日かけて、十数点掲載しました。 掲載したばかりの商品が売れてしまったりということも多々ありますが、お楽しみくださいませ~。
そうそう、SOLDがついている商品でも、やっぱり諦めきれないと言う方、是非お問い合わせください。全く同じ物は無理でも、何か探す手立ては少しあるはず・・・・ 意外と簡単に見つかることもあります。お気軽にご連絡下さい。