What's this....?!!!!!/ 出た~~~!!
When I arranged flowers at the entrance this morning, I felt something moving slightly..... I didn't pay attention on it, and continued enjoy the fresh flowers....
BUT I realized what was IT!! Snake!! It was almost 1 meter long and stared hard at me.... Oh my god, It was like feeling as if I had become a frog(!?)
After a while, it escaped to the bush. Here in Lake Yamanaka, I meet so many kinds of bugs like biting flies, wooly worms(I have never seen, big and colorful!!), bees in the garden at the cottage. It is just like an small adventure to stay in the forest.
朝、気持ちよく山で花を摘んでエントランスで活けていると、誰もいる気配はないのに、なんとなく視線を感じキョロキョロ・・・気にせず続けておりましたが・・・ でっ、出た~~~~~~
ニョロニョロ~って・・・多分青大将?全長約1メートル。ここへ来てブヨ、巨大カラフル毛虫、蜂、蟻 等々の様々な昆虫に遭い、電気ショック蠅たたきラケットが手放せない日々ですが、ヘビさんにお目にかかるとは・・・。いるのは分かっていても全身むき出しで玄関に登場なんて・・・。
虫除けはこちらで各種ご用意しております。 安心してご来場できますのでご心配なく~。(ヘビ除けはありませんが・・・)