Today's Okura / 今日の大蔵オリエンタルアート
We have changed the display at the window to the table setting today. It is very cool in Tokyo and reminds us the weather at the end of summer
We put 'Hozuki' (Lantern Plant?) which was given in Yamanaka Lake in Imari bowls. It is now dried, but the color is still beautiful.
After surviving from the heat in summer, it's time to work hard!! We will go to some auctoins from next week and may get many more
items soon!! Please keep looking our website and coming to our shop
今日は涼しい週末。なんだか夏の終わりを感じさせます で、思い切ってディスプレイチェンジ
ちょっと静かな雰囲気のテーブルセッティングにしてみました。 山中湖でいただいたほおずきが綺麗にドライになったので、そのまま伊万里の鉢にアレンジ~
来週からオークションへ張り切って行ってきます 新商品が続々入荷する予定です。 ホームページにもどんどん掲載していきますので、お楽しみに~
Yet another lovely display! My mum asked me yesterday whose beautiful home could she see on my FB pages? I couldn't think at first, then realised that it was yours! She told me she thinks it is stunning. x
Posted by: angela | 08/27/2011 at 17:49