We're not alone
We normally have many customers on the weekend, but it is quite different from usual this weekend as we guessed.
However, it was nice to see my best friend from Hong Kong. He moved to Hong kong from Tokyo, but he came back to Tokyo to help his collegues. He and his wife love Japan more than Japanese people. He was worried about us.
We got many contacts on phone and e-mail to confirm our safety. We felt 'We're not alone at all.' and knew we are supported by many people. It is difficult to think about it well in our normal life, but we felt kindness of the people.
We will try to work hard for the supporters of Okura Oriental Art.
そのような中、昨年香港へ引っ越ししてしまった親友が私たちを心配して様子を見に来てくれました。 このブログでも度々ご紹介している夫妻です。 彼自身の会社も今回の地震で多大な被害が出たとのこと。復旧、応援を兼ねて戻ってきたそうです。
東京に戻られた方からのご連絡や、数々のお客様・友人からの私たちの安否を気遣うE-mailを頂き、心から感謝しています。 色々な方に支えられて生きていることを実感することが出来てとても幸せな気持ちでいっぱいです。