新商品掲載! New Arrivals!
Time flies It's December already! We prepare a lot of goods for your wonderful parties!! Old Imari Polychrome Plates of Christmas Colors, Blue &White Danju Food Container, Black Lacquered Bowl with a Lid ( beautiful butterflies are drawn on the back of the lid,) Imari Polychrome Namasu Bowls ( good as individual plates,) Gorgeous Imari Poychrome Octagon Plate, Wajima Black Lacquered Danju Food Container ( with wonderful inside picture,) Imari Polychrome Small Square Plates ( with Jumping Rabbits!!) and etc., etc.,,,,, Please come see them
伊万里色絵皿(クリスマスカラー?を各種) 染付段重(カジュアルパーティにどうぞ!) 黒漆塗御椀(上蓋裏に蝶々が二匹)、色絵なます皿(お取り皿に!) 八角色絵皿(派手に行きましょう) 輪島塗黒塗段重(外は控えめ裏がお楽しみ) 色絵角小皿(兎跳ねてます) その他 色々 入荷いたしました。