Now I feel relieved.../ ほっと一息・・・
We have just finished our work for the interior decorating page on our website. And I could have a relaxed time like real summer holiday.
Today I invited my old friends and held home party with them. It is very fun for me to think about the food
, table setting, flowers.
I don't know why, but I always use this Imari blue & white plate at the party. I think it may match the other plates because of its shape. I serve only main dish to each person. For the other dishes, I like to use the large plates and ask my guests to help themselves.
Travelling would be a big fun, but I love to spend the cheerful time with my nice friends and food at home
撮影が終わり、ようやく夏季休暇らしい時間を過ごせるようになりました。 今日は懐かしい友人を招いてホームパーティ。 早速食材を買い込んで、器を選んで・・・ お花を買って・・・
染付の大皿などは、こんな時大活躍 なぜか、我が家で一番、出番も多いのがこのお皿。 円形ではなく変形しているからか、お料理がとても映えます。