Begin the decoration with big one! / 大きなモノから始めよう!
I know it is easier to buy smaller items than bigger ones. But I think it is very important to get the biggest main furniture first. Otherwise, the arrangement of your rooms will never be settled, and it's always the case that you will regret and think, "where should these small things go??"
For example, when I saw this big entrance hall, I decided to put this big merchant cabinet first. I've never had doubt with my idea because I knew it is the easiest way for planning. The terracotta floor goes well with the natural, warm color of this cabinet. Also I thought the big size of the cabinet matches the area of the hall. The rest of the decoration went on very quickly after then. We could enjoy choosing the other small items!!
★Just one more . . Please carefully select the big items. Usually they will become the main furniture in your rooms. When you are looking for, please don't give up until you find your favorite ones.
大切なことはメインの家具を最初に揃えること もちろんそのスペースに置く一番大きなものです。気に入ったものが無ければ見つかるまで我慢しましょう
主役を決めるのはとても難しいことだと思います。 でも長く使うものですから妥協はせずに、そして飽きの来ないきちんとしたものを選ぶのも大切ですよね