Pleasure in traveling / やめられない。止まらない。
Although it was a rainy weekend, we went to Karuizawa again and had a big fun as always. Since we couldn't spend time outside, we decided to visit Saku, the neighbor town. Our destination was a Soba(noodle) shop. . . . There we found both thick Soba and very thin Soba. I knew that thick ones usually tend to be dry and crumbled.
However, this one here was Excellent! It was very nicely chewy and tasty
I would say that the thin soba was not my type, but I was again satisfied with the " Sweetened and Jellied Bean Paste with Chestnut, made of Buckwheet." I know I always take pleasure in anything I find while traveling, namely, in tasting the foods.
ちょっと足を延ばして、佐久方面へドライブ。お目当ては 美味しい蕎麦
やけに太い蕎麦と頼りないほど細い蕎麦の組み合わせ 太い蕎麦はボソボソ感がでがちですがコレはイケる 噛みごたえ十分
最後に出てきたのは蕎麦粉を使った栗ようかん 甘味好きにはたまらない一品