Already rainy season? / もう梅雨??
Unusually, we had the gorgeous weather during the "Golden Week" in Japan. However, we had too many rainy days in this May after the GW, it is like the rainy season had begun already. Every year, I always bought blue hydrangea in the rainy season to brighten up our melancholy feelings. And I bought it already this year. The Stone Frogs in the picture may remind us of raining, , , it looks as if I look forward to the rain, but no, I don't like the rainy season. I wish we 'll have many sunny days until the true rainy season.
Small Hibachi: 6,500yen
Stone Frog:35,000yen
今年のゴールデンウィークは珍しく毎日良いお天気だったのに、その後は気温の上下が激しく、雨も多くまるで梅雨のよう・・・。 五月晴れが大好きなのに、は長く続きませんね。
うっとうしさを、少しでも和らげるために毎年ブルーの紫陽花を梅雨時に買ったりしていますが、今年は一足早く購入してしまいました。 にはやはり蛙
火鉢 6,500円(手前)
石の蛙 35,000円