I love Hill's Marche./今週も行ってきました。
I recently go to Hill's Marche in Arkhills every week. Sometimes I lose track of time and am late for going back to the shop to open!
Today, I bought fresh & organic lettuce, tomatoes, tasty potatos, Daikon, strawberries, ginger, and turnip harvested this morning
I enjoyed fresh turnip with salt and boiled leaves with dried whitebait 'Shirasu' which was sent from Kochi pref. It was tasty!! The salt which my friend gave me is made in Christmas
Island. It seems to be mellow and a bit sweet and goes nice with the fresh vegetable. It should be nice for the casual gifts for Christmas.
I can't stop going there on Saturdays because we can expect beautiful summer fruits!!
採りたてだから生でも美味しいと言われ、早速持ち帰って白い部分は塩だけつけて 新鮮な葉っぱは、さっと茹でて高知から届いた大きめのしらすと共にいただきました。