Trip to Hakone / 箱根温泉旅行 ♫
We took a trip to Hakone Hot Springs with our family friends. We thought that, instead of driving, it might be very relaxing to take trains, Odakyu Line and the Mountain Tram. So we reserved the tickets and set off! It took a little over one hour by Odakyu Romance Car to get Hakone-yumoto station, and we changed to the Hakone Mountain Tram. The tram went up the mountanous route slowly, and the scenery from the tram was so beautiful with the fresh green leaves. Then we visited the Hakone Open-Air Museum ( after ?? decades from my last visit.) Also we went to our favorite sweetshop to buy Onsen-Manju (hotspring steamed sweet bun.) It was only a two-days trip, but we did a lot more there, and we were all excited throughout the trip, and finally by natural consequences, we got very tired. . . I can't say that it was relaxing. . .
1時間ちょっとで到着。 のんびりとした箱根登山鉄道・・・・・。 沿線の緑が素晴らしい