Shop opened!!/ 2010年始動!
We hope everyone had nice holiday. Some small parts of our shop have been renewed during our holidays and we prepared many fine items for the beginning of 2010, Keyaki merchant chest, Small step chest, Sake cup holders, Fish-shaped blue& white small plates, brush stands, Old candle sticks, Polychrome plates....etc... We will list them on our website ASAP, but please visit our shop before it, if you would really like to see them!!
本日より通常営業! 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。休暇中、お店の中をプチリニューアル、楽しい商品も続々入荷しています。 欅帳場箪笥、傾斜角度70度!思いっきり急な階段箪笥、桐小箪笥、盃台各種、筆筒沢山、魚形染付小皿、可愛い形の盃洗、七寸色絵皿、時代の菊燭台、等々 是非、ご来店ください。
Please continue to upload interesting pieces on your webpage.
I love reading your blog too. You are able to make simple things and everyday events appear interesting. I wish I have your talent!
I also secretly borrow many ideas from your interior decoration page!!
Happy New Year and all the best for another good business year!
Posted by: drK | 01/11/2010 at 12:01