Black Boiled Egg / 黒いゆで卵
There was a long line to get the black boiled egg, the specialty of Owakudani volcanic valley --- When the white eggs are boiled in the hot, black sulfurous water, they turn to black soon. In legend, it is said that one black egg will prolong your life by 7 years, two eggs 14 years, , , well let's see. . . I was surprised that there were so many people lined for the eggs.
大涌谷名物、黒いゆで卵。 これを目当てに大勢の人が並んでいます・・・。 大量の卵を係りの人が熱湯の中に仕込んでいきます。足が熱湯に入っていますけど大丈夫ですかね?
1個食べると7年、2個で14年寿命が延びるそうで・・・。 延びたかな~