Before After Part Ⅱ
We have updated our Interior Decorating page!
We tried to decorate the house with exposed concrete. Do you think we could successfully add the warmth to this house with the Japanese Antiques? The floor plan was so narrow and long that it looked difficult to make the space for confortable use. We made efforts for a pleasant life: we put an old Tansu in seemingly the dead space, and arranged the dining table also as to serve as a working desk, etc. Please take a look at our page for more pictures:
インテリアコーディネート実例 PartⅡを掲載しました。コンクリート建築に温かみを加えてみました。 縦に長い難しそうな空間ですが、時代箪笥やワーキングスペースとダイニングテーブルを共有するなど、バランスを取りながら配置することで結構楽しく暮らすことが出来そうです。