Tokyo ????
Guess where it is! It's in the center of Setagaya ward, TOKYO! I heard it used to be a dense forest around here. Gardeners had to cut trees in order for the plants to take enough sunshine. Compared to this, it is miserable that now we have to bring the earth and plants from somewhere to make gardens. Can you see the Big Stone Toro here and there? The owner of this land must have enjoyed seasonal change in this garden. . . we wish to return here when this garden will be covered with snow.
ここは何処? と迷宮に迷い込んだかのような錯覚さえ覚えるこの風景・・・。
なんと、世田谷のど真ん中 このような風景があるんです・・・・・
後ろの倉庫の屋根と比較してください しかもいくつもあるじゃないですか・・・・。
春夏秋冬。 その変化が楽しいお庭なのでしょう。 次は、是非、雪景色が見てみたい