モダンインテリアとアンティークの融合! 実践編 /The Marriage of Modern & Antique
One of our new projects has been started. We will take more photos for Interior Decorating page on our HP this week.
It was a empty huge lounge room and we needed to get many things to fill it. It meant we needed so much time to select the items for this room.
Finally, we put our selections today, Step chest, Large Hibachi, Warehouse door coffee table, Kilim(from Rogoba), big plants, paper lamps(Andon) and etc...
I think we could show the marriage of modern & antique perfectly!!
It was made only for the photos, not for the guests. But I phoned my favorite customer who lives in Kamakura and ask her to visit us. I just wanted her to look it.
I believe the photos will be the best way to advise how to decorate and enjoy Antiques. They will be shown on our website soon.
何もない状態での第一印象は「広いな~」 でしたが、階段箪笥、欅火鉢、蔵戸を使用したローテーブル、行灯、ロゴバさんからお借りしたキリム、観葉植物等々を運びこんだら結構良い感じでまとまってきました。
明日はいよいよ撮影本番 天気の様子を見ながら色々なシーンを撮影するつもり。