A lady I admire / 憧れの女性
The reason why we carry many Otafuku items is because I've been influenced by a lady whom I deeply admire. Her name is Mrs. Amy Katoh. She is the owner of the Japanese blue and white goods shop, "Blue and White," in Azabujuban. She has run the business for over thirty years, like us. Her knowledge about the Japanese traditional arts is quite exceptional, and she is also the author of the book, "Otafuku." When she finds our Otafuku goods in our show-window, she would stop by and say, "Oh, nice!" Then she makes me so happy with her smile, always graceful and encouraging for me. She used to visit our shop often when I was a 'greenhorn.' She would tell me, "you're a drudge!" Then she gave me that charming smile, and drove away with the beautiful classic black convertible Mercedes! The car looked really nice with her!! . . . . Someday, I hope to become a lady like her who can always brighten you up.
ニコニコと微笑みながら 「まぁ! いいわね~」 としばしながめてくださいます。
麻布十番にBlue & Whiteという和小物のお店を経営なさっていて、大蔵オリエンタルアートと同じく、30年以上も続けていらっしゃいます。 私もお散歩がてら顔を出しています。
「また来るわね。」 と黒いクラシックメルセデスのオープンカーで颯爽とご自分のお店に戻って行きます。 これがまたよくお似合いなんです。