An Off-Season? / 毎年恒例の・・・・・。
The long vacation system in other countries is the most envious thing for the Japanese people. It has become quiet around here as usual. . . Yes, because most of our customers are from foreign countries, they are in vacation since the last month. We don't have many visitors in this season, until around the middle of August.
So our shop will be closed -- from July 26th to August 17th.
★We can take your orders through the internet during this period .
However, we will stay here to finish up works that we couldn't take care on the normal business days. Also, we will take photographs for the 'interior decorating' page on our web-site. It will take place at a big house, owned by a certain special person(!?) The house is too big that it will be quite a challenge for us to fill the space and to arrange the rooms. Anyway, we enjoy planning this photography. Please keep checking our Home Page!!
毎年恒例なんですが、 皆さん長~い夏休み期間に突入するためお店に訪れるお客様がめっきり少ないこの時期・・・・・。 なんだか静かな今日この頃。
日本人からすると何ともうらやましい限りです。 子供達の学校がお休みになるやいなや早々に自国へお帰りになってしまいます。 そして8月中旬には一斉に戻ってくるのですが、
とはいっても 「さぁ!バケーションだ~」 というわけにはいかず、普段出来ないアレやコレを一つずつこなしていきます。
今年は、某邸宅にてインテリアデコレーションの撮影をしようと思っています。あまりに広くて、運び込むだけで大変そう・・・・。 日々そのための準備をやっています。