Local Production for Local Consumption /地産地消!(大げさですけど・・・・)
Japanese government encourages "Local Production for Local Consumption ," which is nice. Here I am proud to introduce my baby beans --- a good example of LPLC ?? Fortunately, we have a lot of sunshine and fine breeze on our terrace. This is a bud of green bean just sprouted up. It will grow well and produce a considerable amount of beans even more than we can eat. We also grow many kinds of herbs and bitter cucumbers!! It's just fun!!
小さな楽しみ! 自宅のテラスで育ってます 日当たり、風通しが良いせいか非常に育ちがヨロシイのです。これこそ地産地消! (世間では家庭菜園ともいいますけど・・・
すでにこのようにインゲンの芽が出てきました。 こんな場所でも食べきれないほど育つんですよ。食べきれない分は友人におすそ分け! 麻布のインゲン結構イケますよ!! その他、ハーブ多数、日よけも兼ねてゴーヤも収穫予定! あ~楽しい(笑)