Thank you for coming to TAC! / ご来場感謝!!
Thank you for visiting us at TAC. Numbers of KOKESHI have been sold, and we were very happy because we've been working hard this past year to collect as many Kokeshi as we could for this TAC Sale.. There are some types of Kokeshi: Tsuchiyu, Yajiroh, Tougatta, Naruko, and etc. It was really fun to find each customers favorite ones. Just one thing we didn't like was it's so frustrating to let them "stand," - our space often became like a bowling alley, yes too bad, , , Anyway, we look forward to the next TAC Furniture Sale in February, 2009!!
TAC International Bazaar にご来場ありがとうございました。山のように出したKOKESHIがほぼ完売!! この日の為にコツコツ集めた甲斐がありました。
次回は2月 ファニチャーフェアでお会いしましょう!!