Our Site Developing , , , / 少しずつではありますが・・・・・。
We thank many of our customers for checking our web-site constantly.
Having got some suggestions from our customers, we are trying to improve the system of our home-page for more convenience:
Last week, we measured the security of our site by enhancing the SSL system.
When you order items or when you have any inquiries, please fill the necessary sections ( marked by ✽) on our order form and send it to us. Now you can give your credit card information on the form, which is strongly supported by the SSL system. But you will not be charged at this stage. We will send you the reply mail to let you know the total amount of charge including the shipping cost, if any, ASAP. Then upon receipt of the written or the verbal agreement from you, we will charge the total amount. If you still feel scared to use the credit card through the internet, you can pay by cash-on-delivery (domestic only) or by bank transfer. Please contact us by e-mail or by telephone.
We hope we can provide you better service. Always looking very much forward to seeing you at our shop.
「カード番号を直接入力したい」 との声にお応えし、SSL機能を充実させ、セキュリティー対策も施しました。